Monday, February 28, 2011

Generate Free QR Codes Easily with SocialQRcode

SocialQRCode is a free service that allows users to easily generate QR Codes that, when scanned by a smart phone camera, direct people to a socially-designed Landing Page. From this page, people can “Like” a Facebook fan page, “Follow” a Twitter profile, “Share” and “Tweet” content or a coupon with their “Friends” and “Followers”, or even interact with your print advertisement by watching a supplemental YouTube video embedded in a Social QR Code.

Basically, this is a great site to generate a QR Code that is designed to promote social network sites or viral media. It is a great for those sites, but if you are looking for a QR Code Generator that just points to your website, check out this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Thanks for the mention of Social QR Codes. Please share any examples of live codes you are using!
