A Quick Response (QR) code is a two-dimensional code (similar to the bar code system) that can be scanned by smartphone cameras to automatically pull up text, photos, videos, music and URLs.
These codes are revolutionizing the way Americans interact in their offline world with online resources.
An example of a QR code is the one in the upper right hand corner of my blog. This is a QR Code generated by JumpScan This mobile-friendly Code allows me to point you the user to my social networking information in a snap.
These codes have been around since 1994 when invented by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave. They are already popular in Japan, consumers in the United States are just now beginning to take notice.
Relevant Links: How To Use QR Codes for Businesses?
Check out http://www.bwscan.com for free dynamic qr codes and detailed real-time analytics